Monday, November 8, 2010

The Sap Continues

All right, I'm just on a kick. On a "Grateful, Thankful, Glad to Be Alive" sort of kick. 

A dear friend forwarded me a blog entry from a woman who runs a therapeutic art camp for women in rural Idaho. I will admit, the camp is a little bourgeois. It's a little cheesy. But the point is that we all have pain and we all have struggles. We forget it though when we see others who are happier, richer, better than us. Or at least when we THINK we see people who are happier etc. 

I've always been fascinated with psychology and psychological principles. I often think about the fundamental attribution error. It basically says, when I'm an asshole it's because I'm a good person having a bad day. But when you're an asshole, it's because you are, at your core, an asshole and not because you're having a bad day. 

I'm often saddened when I do share myself to people that they keep quiet and avoid sharing themselves but lately I've been coming across people who do tell me their truths and who do share themselves willingly and who get true friendship back. 

This blog post touched me and it made me think about the signs I might wear or that I've wanted to wear at different points in time. 

I'm worried about my grandma because she has (HAD!) breast cancer. 
I'm worried about my mom because my dad has an erratic job and sometimes paying the bills is tough. 
I wish I had a better relationship with my brother. 
I'm sad that my aunt can't get help for her addiction.

Think about your signs and stop being afraid to show them. 

Read the post here. 

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