Thursday, November 4, 2010

Just keep laughing

Yesterday was a comedy of errors but through all of it, I just kept laughing.

While getting my coffee yesterday, Lori let me know that my front right tire looked low, nearly flat.

My first reaction: Great. Car shit. My favorite.

Before I knew it, another email had come in from Cherie letting me know that she too thought my tire looked funny.

My second reaction: Thank goodness for the wonderful people I work with! I wouldn't have known my tire issue until I had to leave for class and I had a presentation that accounted for 30% of my grade - yikes!

AAA came, handled that stupid tire, and only cost me $8 (which he annoyingly needed in exact change, which I had to borrow from a friend, but I digress).

At this point, I am gathering my thoughts and realize: the hem has fallen out of my pants. So, for lunch, off to Original Hems for a quick re-do and then off to the credit union to pay my credit card bill (it will be paid off by the end of the year!).

I just kept thinking, 'I am so lucky'. Lucky to have friends who look out for me, lucky to have my own car, lucky to have disposable income, lucky to have friends who let me borrow exact change, lucky to have AAA, lucky to know I have plans B-G if plan A fails, lucky to be in school, lucky to have pants! Just lucky!

The friend who I borrowed the $8 exact change from (OK, still bitter) told me that when she was coming to America from Denmark to marry the man of her dreams, her pants ripped at the seam in the, ahem, rear. Her father told her it was an indication of luck and I must agree with her, both she and him were lucky to have found one another, what a love story.

Todd tells me that Irish people consider it lucky when a bird poops on you. Without quoting Alanis Morisette, I definitely think misfortune is lucky. You can't really appreciate the good stuff if everything is good stuff.

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