Monday, November 1, 2010

For little old me???

An older story, but one worth repeating.

All packages are delivered to one of two buildings at my work location. When a package for you is received, the receptionist gleefully calls up to you. You then get to saunter like the Queen of England, going to pick up the custom fabrege egg that a diplomat from South Africa sent you, lean over the desk, tell them your name and reach your hand out, ready for wealth, lavish gifts, and any number of flora and fauna.

So, when I got "the call" a few weeks ago, I was ESTATIC! I was having a bad day and could have really used a little treat. Is it an edible arrangement? Is it a bouquet of flowers? Is it a check for the exact amount of debt that I carry?

It is important to note the actual conversation that occurred when I got "the call."

Me: Hello?
Receptionist: Hi! You have a package here!
Me: OH! Is it something good?
Receptionist: Yeah, it's something really good!
Me: I'll be right down!!!!

Then running ensued. I pushed the elevator button, heart full of glee and hope, and arrived at the first floor reception desk to find....

...An empty pizza box. I looked up, dejected, and the receptionist told me that zPizza hates empty pizza boxes and that, if taken to the right location, they will fill it with a zPizza creation of my choosing! Apparently, they liked my business so much they wanted to give me free pizza.

Now, I am a fat kid. Free pizza is like a kiddie pool full of cool water for a labrador. But I was expecting something really fabulous. After schooling the receptionist on what constitutes an exciting delivery and what constitutes an OK delivery, I took my empty pizza box back to my desk.

I had a nice little date with the husband a couple weeks later but I will never trust the receptionist who cried "something good" again.


  1. I will take a package from Ted Kazinski, so I would feel special. I get excited that new phone book is in, then send thank you note to yellow pages so they don't think I'm ungrateful. And free pizza?!? I would be on it like Charlie Sheen on a hooker.

  2. It's not ungrateful exactly. It'd be like one of the kids saying "DAD! I got my test back and I did great!" and then when you got home, it was just a C+.
