Thursday, October 21, 2010

Can't stop the craft

First, updates.

Food crisis was averted at Joe's by a slim margin. No one ordered a bucket of torture and my salad was all right. They did however bring it out first with bacon and then remedied that quickly. I mean, I know you're a seafood restaurant and all and perhaps not familiar with more traditional meats but bacon, as it turns out, comes from an animal. Someone at the table said "well, bacon is more like meat candy", which I liked.

Had my first midterm last night. Class began at 7pm and I was out the door at 7:39pm, home by 8:00pm. This sounds promising however, for whatever reason, I could not fall asleep. My mind was racing with ideas and solutions for the Halloween conference room competition that I was not going to participate in.

You see, people get a whif of someone who can MacGyver some newspaper into a papier-mache mask and they target you like a fat zebra. Someone sent an email out about coordinating the decorations for the conference room and added at the bottom: "Jessica! I hear you have a talent for this stuff!" so I was immediately thrown on a committee, pressed for ideas and committed to winning the competition. Unfortunately, I swore up and down when I was promoted that I would remove myself from all frivilous tasks. No more decorations, no more planning lunches, no more Halloween coordination, nothing that could make people see me as anything less than a professional. Well, all that's gone to shit. My cube is decorated with sparkly skulls and spider web, I planned my boss' birthday lunch and conceived the idea for our Halloween event. Craft is like crack and I can never get enough.

Side note: I work with a lot of operations folks who tend to be a bit like engineers: dry, prompt, a little off. When I completed my decorations one middle-aged man walked by, took it all in and said "Yeah, I assumed you would be one of those." Hilarious.

When I told the husband that I was participating in Halloween despite my vehement declarations that I would not, under any circumstances, participate, he laughed and said that I'm having some serious withdrawls and that there is an embossing tool-sized hole in my heart now that school's in session. Truth!

Our company craft fair is in a few weeks and I am holding myself back. I have some rings leftover from a summer craft fair so I may try and hawk a few for some Christmas money. The husband has placed an advanced order for a PS3 because apparently 5 gaming systems aren't enough...says the woman with an entire drawer of rubber stamps.

1 comment:

  1. You can't help that you're a crafter through-and-through. You can try to hide it, suppress it even. But craft finds a way. You're aura is made of glitter and you bleed hot glue.
