Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Little Princess I-Can't-Share

I have a new "neighbor" at work who sits in what I like to call "the convertible cube" across from me. A first impression would lead you to believe she is a sweet lady, like a nice grandma who bakes and tells stories. She sells Mary Kay in her free time and likes to decorate for every holiday, bringing cheer to the department.

But lurking just below this angelic shell is a poisonous core - be not fooled!

One day someone was having computer issues and, temporarily and at the prompting of the department manager, they sat at her desk. Now, she is a temporary, part-time employee, but anyone within earshot would have sworn the CEO had been asked to move her office to the women's restroom. After receiving the verbal beating of a lifetime, the employee slunk back to her desk away from Princess I-Can't-Share.

A friend once told me that this person, let's call her Margaret, berated her for being a smoker. I'm not personally big on smoke, it gives me a headache, but whatever, to each his own. My friend, upon returning from a cigarette break had this exchange:
Margaret: Was that you smoking outside?
Friend: Ya....
Margaret: Oh. Well do you have a boyfriend?
Friend: Yes...?
Margaret: Well why don't you ask him how he likes kissing an ashtray!!!!!!

Other words have been exchanged, I've heard her launch character attacks on supervisors, patronize clients and sass like nobody's business but what we all came in to this morning was confusing on a new level.

On the top of an unused portion of her desk sits a tiny wicker table with two tiny wicker chairs. Atop the tiny table is, to my best guess, a 1980s-era Cabbage Patch Kids plastic tea set.

Everyone in the department is freaked out. We all keep asking when the teddy bears will come. I'm worried they are just ghost teddy bears and they're staring at me all day.

1 comment:

  1. My advice. Engage enemy immediately.
    Whisper her name periodically so only she hears, then look confused when she replies.
