Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Some great husbands

It's my favorite holiday of the year today - Valentine's Day! I think it's because I love love and the color red and crafting valentines. I think people who get all bent outta shape about Valentine's Day, perhaps due to not having a partner, are outta line. Valentines can be sent to moms, sisters, sons, friends, nephews, whomever; they're about having love in your life no matter what shape.

I remember once Todd was telling me he doesn't like buying flowers - he likes plants. Flowers are dead, plants are alive. To him, the message that sending something very temporary is a little morose - love you til these die in a few days; it just didn't resonate with him. I was a little sad because, hey, who doesn't like flowers? But it makes sense to me now.

Today I have been surrounded by spouses scrambling to buy last minute cards and rushing home to make sure flowers were delivered on their lunch breaks and so on. But instead of a hastily thrown-together card or ugly, overpriced roses (seriously, I'm not a fan), I got a nice call from Todd making sure that the dinner he plans on cooking is within my points values for Weight Watchers and to me, that's what matters.

Being thought of, in whatever manner and by whomever you get love from, is why this is my favorite day.

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