Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I was an ugly newborn. Pink, vaguely mole-rat-looking, splotchy, just ugly. So when I see really cute babies, I swoon. And, let's be real: African American babies are the cutest of all. Right around 3 years old is best. Right when they're really chatting and they still have chunky baby features.

We went to a friend's graduation party this weekend and I met and fell in love with Dallas. He had a foam sword that he carried around and tried to slay everyone with. He found me and tried to kill me and then I chased him for about an hour. I taught him the acting skill of fake dying. That was amusing. Then we went to leave.

Me: Dallas, do you want to come live with us?
Him: No!
Me: Please?
Him: OK

Then we were talking to his mom:

Me: Your son is adorable. I asked him if he'd come with me but he said no.
Mom: Dallas, do you want to go home with them?
Him: Yes. I'm brining my sword.
Mom: OK
Him: Where's my jacket???

Be careful what you wish for! Like a teen mom, I hadn't thought of what life with a 3-year-old might be like so I'm glad his mom decided to keep him. I felt like I had to sneak out, betraying the little fella.

1 comment:

  1. Let me see if I have this straight. You asked if he wanted to live with you. You did not like the answer, so you went over his head. You pushed hard enough to get the response you wanted...then ditched him? The only thing that would have topped that is if you told him that Santa was fake, as you ran out the door.

    That being said...you can borrow my kids whenever you want.
