Monday, June 6, 2011

Just a couple-a kids

I feel too young to be married and too old to be young. That's confusing, I know, but there's truth in there. And it always makes me laugh when I am feeling my most grown-up is when little things remind me that Todd and I are both just big kids.

My dear friend Neddy and I have been training to run a 5K. It's hard to start running when you are decidedly not a runner. First, I have the boobs that skip a generation in my family (sorry mom) and running with boobs is...awkward (read: 2 sports bras). Next, I am not fond of sweat or the sun. I get all red and blotchy and sun burnt...much like that awful baby thing I told you about last time. It's not pretty.

We just ran our 5K on Saturday morning and we did really well, I was so proud of us. About 2/3 of the way through I was EXHAUSTED, really hot and then I looked up and said "KITTYYYYY!" while pointing at a cat I saw on top of its carpeted perch two stories up in a very posh house overlooking the ocean. Woosh, flash back to childhood, pointing out every cat and dog I could find. Todd and I actually do that all the time. When we lived with Kyle we'd take walks and report back to him every night how many cats we saw and how many we touched. Mostly we did it to annoy him because he was not so much an animal lover as an animal tolerator, but Todd's mom tells me that Todd has also loved animals since before he could talk as well.

This past weekend I was stressing out (surprise) about the Vegas trip for Nini's bachelorette - "I HAVE NO CLOTHES TO WEAR!!!" So Todd, wonderful husband that he is, took me EVERYWHERE to find stuff and after leaving Old Navy at 8:55pm or so he asked if we could stop at Toys-R-Us. I said sure but that they would undoubtedly be closed. They weren't! Turns out TRU is open until 11pm on Fridays and 10pm on Saturdays and I swear we ended up spending at least 40 minutes there. Todd took pictures of inaccurate Star Wars dioramas and sent them to his brother, I looked at how much better girls toys are now and we both just reveled in toys. I nearly bought a ball to play 4-square.

A couple weeks ago I was buying a hello kitty bag unearthed from that Target $1 bin and the cashier asked me "Do you have kids at home?" "....No...." "Don't worry, you're not the first adult to like Hello Kitty." Then he launched into a discussion of the video game Halo and how he thought they should make a Hello Kitty planet and call it Halo Kitty...this went on too long...

...but a couple weeks later when Todd found the toy he was looking for I joked that he better be ready for the cashier to ask if we have kids. He remarked that it felt a little like buying 4 (yes, FOUR) Star Wars toys was like buying condoms so he put them in the middle of the Target run between the paper towels and the ketchup. I thought to myself later though, buying 4 (yes, FOUR) Star Wars toys at almost-30 was the exact opposite of buying condoms :)

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