Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Some great husbands

It's my favorite holiday of the year today - Valentine's Day! I think it's because I love love and the color red and crafting valentines. I think people who get all bent outta shape about Valentine's Day, perhaps due to not having a partner, are outta line. Valentines can be sent to moms, sisters, sons, friends, nephews, whomever; they're about having love in your life no matter what shape.

I remember once Todd was telling me he doesn't like buying flowers - he likes plants. Flowers are dead, plants are alive. To him, the message that sending something very temporary is a little morose - love you til these die in a few days; it just didn't resonate with him. I was a little sad because, hey, who doesn't like flowers? But it makes sense to me now.

Today I have been surrounded by spouses scrambling to buy last minute cards and rushing home to make sure flowers were delivered on their lunch breaks and so on. But instead of a hastily thrown-together card or ugly, overpriced roses (seriously, I'm not a fan), I got a nice call from Todd making sure that the dinner he plans on cooking is within my points values for Weight Watchers and to me, that's what matters.

Being thought of, in whatever manner and by whomever you get love from, is why this is my favorite day.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Jealously Monster - UPDATE

Last week my monitor died. I called our IS team and they were off site so their fill-in dude brought me a seriously ghetto fill-in monitor to use during the day and then returned after 5pm with a 24INCH monitor. It's crazy big and sort of unnecessary but it's nice to have now that I have it.

Knowing this would cause issues with my diminished coworkers, I called them in to show them so there wouldn't be a riot when I wasn't here and they discovered it. Jem had a super sour face but managed to say "WOW".

This afternoon he walks in my cube with a wooden ruler and says "Hey! Can I measure your monitor? I'm in the market for a new one at home and yours is so nice and large...."

"Sure, it's 24"...but feel free..."

"Ya, mine is 19" but this is large and ya...oh, you were right, it's 24."


So now we've resorted to measuring our toys? The penis comparison continues...

Jealousy Monster

Getting home from class last night was a disaster because the freeway on-ramp by school was closed so I thought I'd try a work-around only to end up in a scary, dark, industrial area. I ended up getting on a different freeway in the completely opposite direction from home...fail. Home at 10:40pm, WIRED.

I finally fell asleep and just before I woke up this morning, I had a dream Todd had to drive me to work because I lost my keys and he was so mad at me. We got halfway to work and I realized I forgot something else and he wouldn't turn around. I think I must've confused him this morning when I asked "are you mad at me?" after he said "You're so soft!" upon hugging me in my robe. Why would he be mad that I'm soft?? Anxious girl brain.

I got to work maybe ten minutes late but not because of me; it was because of my carpool partner who I love to no end but who is almost always late. I moved a mile or two further from her and we just like each other so much we push it even though it's totally inconvenient. I'm grateful though because I hardly ever feel like driving and she always drives. I still maintain the moment I win a boatload of money I get a driver. I've recently expanded my driver to a team of people - I want a nutritionist, a trainer, a driver, a stylist, a hairdresser and a personal assistant. I suppose those could all be one or two people, I'm not picky.

Anyway, I was late. And then I left to get coffee because there was just no way 5pm was going to happen without it so I walked with my friend to our local coffee place and came back, started typing a memo. Now, you have to understand I am not a quiet typist. I type like a Staten Island secretary in the 80s. SASSY AND LOUDLY.

So it surprised me when my coworker (yes, the stupid one) turned off the lights. "Why did you do that?!" I asked. His reply: "Oh, I didn't know you were here."

Yes he did. He knew. He was just mad because I was late and because I left to get coffee and that I turn the lights on. Yes, you read that correctly. He thinks we should all work by natural light. We don't need this artificial lighting! However I can't see a goddamn thing without the lights so it's always a constant battle with him saying underhanded things like "How was your vacation? It was so nice to have all the lights off last week..."

I've decided to call him the Jealousy Monster - or Jem (As in, WHAT A GEM!) for short. When I told Todd he wrote:
Didn't know that [Jem] was the official director of office lighting. You'd think he was paying the electric bills. You know, he helped design light bulbs... Ohhh wait... That was Thomas Edison.