Friday, September 23, 2011

Now, with less ulcers!

I looked back at my 30 before 30 and I was appalled. Why am I so set on pressuring myself? I decided I'd make a list of 5 things to do in the next 27 months (oh jeez, is that all the time there is until that birthday?)
1. Finish my masters in May 2013
2. Finish my wedding album
3. Create a spending plan
4. Pay my credit card debt off
5. Learn to drive stick

Here's my logic:
1. I'm going to finish my degree anyhow so might as well make it an official, written-down goal
2. I just bought a Shutterfly groupon that expires at the end of next month for motivation
3. I have a financial advisor that is counseling us pro-bono so might as well take advantage
4. Who wants that?
5. Seems like a safety thing since Todd refuses to buy automatic cars and if we're ever out and he twists his ankle or something...just seems like something I should really know how to do.

I can watch roller derby, pay other people to hem my pants and buy apple pies. No use in doing everything - isn't that an econ principle? Everyone benefits from specialization in a trade economy? I'll edit your grant application if you bake me a pie. Seems fair.

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