Wednesday, July 6, 2011


My knowledge of American History is shoddy at best. It's embarrassing and every once in a while I ask a question about history that makes my husband look at me like a dog watching tv. The ultimate example of this was a couple years ago, while we were cleaning out a trunk in his aunt's house, I picked up a Sacajawea dollar coin and said "Sacajawea...didn't she, like, help the Pilgrims or something??" Todd will never let me live this down but he always lets me off the hook a little by reminding me I was tired.

I was wathcing a tv show the other day and a character on the show was asked when WW2 was. His answer was late 60s-early 70s. I will admit I feel a little better.

Then, we played Cash Cab with Todd's mom and I think Sacajawea has been erased for a while and now Todd can feel embarrassed for a change. I asked his mom a question that was something like 'what sentiment do you get when pointing your middle and ring finger downwards and the rest of your fingers outwards?' This is admittedly a terribly worded question but if you put your hand in a high five and point the ring and middle finger down, you get I love you in American Sign Language.

I enjoyed watching as Todd yelled at his mom that she was doing it the wrong way and then asked me "In what language?" Uh...the language of love?

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