Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I can't hold it in any longer, I am nervous-excited for 4/22. Yes, it's Earth Day and yes, it's Jeanie's (Todd's mom) birthday but it is also the day Todd and I will make our acting debut.

You read that correctly.

No speaking parts and it's not for anything morally questionable. A couple years ago we started staying at this amazing bed & breakfast in San Diego owned by a wonderful woman named Ann. This place is totally awesome. I've written about it before. We've been going there 2-3 times a year since grad school started to hide for the weekends when I'm free enough to do that and we've celebrated more than a couple birthdays there too.

Well anyhoo, Ann decided she wants to film a commercial and asked Todd and I to be her *STARS*! We are so nervous-excited we could puke.

I just got off the phone with the film guy and he sounds like a hoot too. We ended the conversation joking about us bringing traditional Victorian garb.

Our call time is 8:30am and they expect to wrap by 5pm (I am giggling just typing those things). We'll be filmed in pajamas, business clothes, street clothes (bloods or crips, how's a girl to choose?!) in various rooms at the place and walking about Hillcrest. There is also supposedly a scene scheduled to be filmed at a microbrewery nearby.

I think it'll be hysterical and I plan on sending everyone on this earth links to it once filming's complete. Poor Ann and her poor sales from our ridiculous faces gracing her commercial but yay us for doing something totally wacky.


  1. I am totally excited about your debut. Are you doing any character studies? What is the motivation for your character? I would suggest having a catch phrase, but since it is not speaking role maybe you could do a gesture. I'm thinking a wink and the double guns.

    1. We have been method acting. That means treating our home like a B&B but dammit, no one's come to clean. Where are my fresh towels?!

  2. OMG! I totally posted something witty days ago and it never showed up! You and the Todd are perfect for this! I can totally see your commercial going viral on YouTube. Break a leg (not literally, just show business style)!

  3. I believe my character is a closed of semi-psychopath who is bent on disrupting social order. I've been method acting by living in seclusion in a dark hotel room eating nothing but packets of condiments and reading Russian literature.

  4. So exciting. Can't wait to see your gorgeous faces.
