Monday, January 16, 2012

Liar, liar, pants on fire

They say it takes about a year to feel like you have your bearings in a new job and I feel like I finally, after a year and a half, get to experience that feeling. I can tell you what I do and about my to do list and what I want the job to look like moving forward.

Sadly, it apparently it takes longer to lose the pain of NOT getting a job. Last week I had an exchange with a coworker who unsuccessfully applied for this position and it was simultaneously not my proudest moment but also very satisfying.

I had a technical issue and contacted our IS staff. They came by, coworker intervened:
IS: Hey, just wanted to come by and check if you were able to resolve the issue...
me: Oh ya! I found the right database! It was just linked in that other place but now it's not; it's ok...I can access it from wherever it lives...
him: [scurries out of his cube] Oh, ya, I've been really worried about her
me: You don't need to worry about me...stay in your lane.
him: [something about the database, I forget...]
me: We're talking about the one that [a former coworker] built..
him: I know, I helped put all of that together.
me: Mmmm...I don't think so...this is the one he built...
him: "Are you calling me a liar?"
me: "I guess I am!!!"

Oh the exciting positioning of egos. I'm just tired of the whole "my dick is bigger than yours" thing with this guy. I don't want to brag, but...


Why is everything going by so quickly? I want to savor January and it is rushing itself. Please stop!

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