Thursday, October 27, 2011

PG version of a drunk dial

Last night, in a sugary haze of pixie stix and emergen-c, I posted on facebook. I posted about a gripe of mine: when people come to work sick. There is this lady in my department who's been HACKING for a week and it really bugs me. Part of it is an old-school mentality about our managers needing to see "butts in seats" and part of it is an incentive system we've developed that encourages people to come to work even when they're sick because they can "cash out" sick time at the end of the year.

So, last night before class I wrote something like:
"I've drank 3 glasses of water infused with Emergen-C not because I feel sick but because the lady (generous) who sits near me has been coughing like a seal. Now I feel like I can fly and like my face is purple. Maybe a cough wouldn't have been so bad."

In just three sentences I'd chastised a coworker for being sick and managed to insult her personally for not being "a lady."

This morning, right after I woke up, I remembered: I'd accepted her friend request on facebook a few months ago so there is a solid chance she saw my post.

I am truly a jerk.


  1. i'm so glad you deleted the status update! with any luck she probably didn't even see it. if she did maybe she'll take the hint and stay home in the future. sorry friend!

  2. If she did read your post maybe she'll think twice next time...

    Oh look, a silver lining! Sort of. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure..

    Good luck! And I hope you feel better soon.
