Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Newest in New

We made it, harried from the drive with one sweet kitten who refused to take a literal chill pill, but we made it nonetheless. She would spit it out like an old timey cowboy spitting tobacco and the pill would launch across the room, then she'd drool like a Saint Bernard to get the taste of our her mouth but it looked as though the pill had given her rabies. You can pretty much picture my face, right? Harried.

We slept at Todd's brother's house on the 31st and headed out at the crack of dawn on the 1st. Movers were quick, efficient, motivated to get back for another job on Saturday.

Here are my favorite photos of the empty house:
Living room, looking at the street. BIG windows in every room.

 Dining room and living room, looking out from the hall.
Kitchen. More light.

The house was built in the 30s and has all these amazing little quirks. The hardwood floors are an adjustment because I feel like an elephant just walking to the bathroom but I'm getting used to it; so are the cats.

Here's a pic of the front door. When someone knocks the little lion you have to open this caged door to peek out and decide if they can pass. Makes me feel like I'm guarding a castle:

Here's a pic of the heat registers:
Glad I remembered to move all the boxes out of the way of these puppies when I turned the heat on the other morning. Yes, it is freezing cold here in the mornings but so far, so good.

I'll be posting a few pictures a day of the happenings here for the next week so stay tuned!

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