Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I'm usually a 3-sneezer and I always know when they're coming. The most common triggers are smoke and perfume. Once those things crawl up there, it's all over.

So, sitting in the super nice echo-y busines building last week, I could feel them coming on. And instead of holding them in and feeling like I ate a canary, I let them fly: "1!-2!-3!" sneezes. While I'm sneezing I notice a well-dressed gentleman sitting across from me holding up a finger for each sneeze. Each time I sneeze he adds a finger and counts out loud "one! two! three!" and I realize the sounds of his counting are muffled.

A deaf man counted my sneezes because, why not?

1 comment:

  1. Next time, give him something to write home about. One word..."snot-rocket"
